Mable Kabatchnich
Female / Domestic short hair, black & whiteWhat are your pet's activities?
Mable likes to sleep in her wicker basket that is shaped like an igloo. This past spring, we found out she had lymphoma. Chemotherapy was administered at home by pill every three weeks. Now, it is in remission. However, this fall, we discovered that she had a tumor in her sinuses. That was treated by radiation. Her right whiskers and antlers are gone. She is very content to curl up in her basket once more. Resting her head on the front opening of the igloo, she loves to chirp at the birds. To be alive, is Mable's supreme happiness.
What does your pet mean to you?
My being a stroke survivor and having had several heart attacks, Mable and I empathize together. It seems the more crises' we are confronted with, the stronger the bond between us grows. All is not gloom and doom. There are some cheery moments we share together, like watching Mable gulp down Ahi Tuna. She's always dressed in formal wear because of her black and white tuxedo. People often call this breed tuxedo cats, but we call them Magpii, after the birds. They'll mimic you as much as the birds do. There's never a dull moment around our house with five cats and Mable.

Male / American ShorthairWhat are your pet's activities?
Pud is the boss of the apartment. He likes to sleep on the kitchen table and stand in the bathroom sink. He enjoys meowing and watching people walk by through the window.
What does your pet mean to you?
A happy face when I come home from work.

Louis Armstrong
Male / short hair tuxedoWhat are your pet's activities?
The most patient boy in the world
What does your pet mean to you?
We adopted Louis from Buzzy's in December, at a time when our home was filled with "senior citizens" - 15 and 17 year old rescued Westies. He brought laughter and energy into our home - and was the bright spot when we lost both our girls within 6 weeks. We now have Ruby, another rescued Westie, who just (July 1) turned 4 months old. She and Louis adore each other - as you can see in the picture of them when she was about 7 weeks. They wrestle and play constantly, he grooms her, and puts up with her sharp puppy teeth. He hasn't swapped her with his claws -- so far -- despite her constant attention. He really is the most patient boy in the world.
Male / Domestic shorthairWhat are your pet's activities?
Shilo loves sleeping, stretching, chasing our new greyhound Icon., playing with tennis balls and birdwatching. He only drinks running water from the faucets. He is certainly keeping everyone in order.
What does your pet mean to you?
We rescued Shilo from the SPCA in 2003. He is such a love bug. He loves to sleep with us at night and chases our feet whenever he gets the chance. He is a real lovebug. The whole family loves him. Our next home is going to be big enough to adopt more animals in need.

Male / American ShorthairWhat are your pet's activities?
Mochi loves snuggling up with his favorite soft yellow blanket and sticking his head in cups on the living room table. He is a true hunter and can often be seen carrying around a fluffy foil ball in his mouth. I adopted him from Buzzy's at the end of March.
What does your pet mean to you?
Mochi is a true companion, I wish I could take him with me eveywhere!
Apollo (formerly known as Walter Johnson)
Male / DSHWhat are your pet's activities?
Since the day I brought home Apollo and his brother Rocky, Apollo is definitely the more active one! He loves to climb, knock things over, and dig into plants. Although he's a lot of work, I wouldn't trade him for the world! He loves to nibble my fingers (his favorite hobby) and stalk me around the house.
What does your pet mean to you?
He's a handful! But he's my baby and I love him so much! Apollo and his brother have completed my household!
Male / MixWhat are your pet's activities?
Caruso loves eating, sleeping and putting on a Happy Face everyday!
What does your pet mean to you?
He is a very special cat since forever we love our dear Caruso! He also likes to stalk us by hiding behind things. He loves to be petted and get love and attention from everyone and everything.

Rocky (formerly known as Little Timmy)
Male / DSMWhat are your pet's activities?
Rocky is a big baby! He's my little angel as he rarely ever gets into mischief, behaves well at the vet, looooves belly rubs and staring out the window. He cries for attention and loves to curl up on my lap for his daily belly rubs.
What does your pet mean to you?
He's my little angel! Rocky and his brother really complete my life!

Male / shorthair tabbyWhat are your pet's activities?
Bailey loves to chase bouncing ping pong balls and learned to play fetch with me. In the morning I feel his soft paw tapping me to wake me up. When I turn to look at him he is hiding under the covers playing hide and seek.
What does your pet mean to you?
Bailey makes me smile everyday.
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